Value added tax
We have extensive knowledge in the field of value-added-tax, excise duties and customs, both on the national and international level.
Corporate income tax
We advise on all matters related to corporate taxation
Transfer pricing
At Grant Thornton Baltic, our tax, legal and financial advisers assist you in all matters related to transfer pricing.
Tax risk management
Tax risk management
Due diligence
We identify the risks in different taxation areas (incl., corporate income tax, value added tax, payroll taxes, transfer pricing, transactions with non-residents). We prepare a report summarising any deficiencies and problems discovered and make proposals for their elimination.
International taxation
Companies need clear strategies for tax efficient cross border business
Taxation of private individuals
We provide our clients with integrated solutions. We advise clients in the preparation of income tax declarations as well as interpretation of different provisions regulating tax exemptions and tax incentives. For sole proprietors, we arrange accounting, prepare income tax declarations, and communicate with the tax authorities.

GDPR audit
GDPR audit
DPO as a service
DPO as a service
Data protection advisory services
Data protection advisory services
Data protection impact assessment
Data protection impact assessment
Information security audit
Information security audit

Business advisory
Experienced financial advisers assist clients in all stages of their companies’ life cycle.
On the 1st of July 2015 a new amendment to law On Individual Income tax will be in force. In addition to existing conditions, where services provided by a micro-enterprise taxpayer should be treated as a leased personnel service, the new amendment gives more specific explanation on the indicators of such services.
If the aim of the service provided by a micro-enterprise taxpayer is to replace the existing labour relationship with seemingly business relations in order to reduce the personal income tax and social contributions (payroll taxes), it should be treated as a leased personnel service. As a proof of such hidden employment will be regarded the fact that the employee of the micro-enterprise taxpayer before starting the business cooperation (within previous 12 months’ period) has been employed or represented the service recipient.
In respect of contracts concluded till 30th of June 2015, the amendment will be in force from 1st of July 2016.
Loans to individuals
We would like to remind you that till the 1st of June 2015 it is required to inform the State Revenue Service (SRS) about the loans issued to private individuals in 2014 if the loans exceed 15 000 euros.
Besides, the information also has to be submitted in case the previously issued loan did not exceed the threshold, but, together with the 2014 loan, it does.
If the information was already submitted in 2014, but a new loan has been issued to a person and on the day of the issue the person’s total debt is more than 15 000 euros, you have to submit the information about the new loan to SRS.
Please note, that the repayment term of the loan starts from the day the debt exceeds 1500 euros. In order to avoid the situation when a loan can be assessed as a personal income – the term of a loan must not exceed 60 months (60 + 6), the loan agreement must be written, the transactions should be performed via bank accounts, and the loan should be proportionate to the company’s financial condition.
Who has to inform the SRS?
The lender – if it is an enterprise, permanent establishment of a non-resident entity, association etc.
The borrower or private individual himself – if the lender is a private individual or a non-resident.
It is not necessary to submit the information if the loan is issued:
- to a spouse or relatives up to the third-degree;
- by any credit institution.